Stay up to date on all things InterOp.
Important Dates
Operations Working Group
Meld Sandbox Working Group
Community Engagement Working Group
Principal Partners Meeting
Engage in a Working Group
Did we meet at HIMSS and are you looking for how to get involved with the InterOp.Community as a whole or with the Meld sandbox?
When: 1st Wednesday of Month
12 PM – 1 PM ET
About Group: This group will focus on improving the Meld Open-Source Codebase and is a place developers can go to propose enhancements, ask questions, and talk about issues.
When: Every Wednesday
12:30 PM – 2 PM ET
About Group: This group will focus on implementing work flows within the Interop.Community which will help to increase the positive impact the InterOp.Community will make on the healthcare community.
When: 2nd Thursday of Month
12 PM – 1 PM ET
About Group: This group will focus on increasing membership numbers within the InterOp.Community and act as a place where prospective members or interested individuals can come to learn more.
Not sure which working group to join? Contact Us and we’ll help you find the best fit.